Please call (403) 938-2065 to register or ask questions, or email us at [email protected]
Create a Vision Board
Saturday, Jan 18th 10am to 2pm, $65

A Vision Board is a tool that helps you clarify and focus on your dreams and goals for the upcoming year. The process of making one gets you in touch with what really matters to you and inspires you as you create it. Afterwards, looking at it daily keeps you motivated to work towards your goals and to make choices that further you along the path that will lead you to them. The real magic is that it starts to work at the subconscious level, prompting your behaviour to support your goals in the things that you do automatically.
This is going to be an awesome day of clarifying your dreams in a fun and social setting!
In this workshop you will be led through creating the vision board, plus exercises designed to connect with your deepest desires. Working in a group setting offers camaraderie, inspiration and support.
Materials and a nutritious snack are included. Feel free to bring personal tools that you enjoy such as your favorite scissors or markers. We will be using poster board. If you’d prefer another material for your board, please bring that too. You can also make an electronic board if you wish. Please bring your laptop or tablet.
Transforming Difficult Relationships
Saturday, Feb 15th 10am to 12:30pm, $40
Turn your complaints into clarity. Your hopelessness into possibilities. Your frustrations into focused action.

This is an area of passion for me and I can’t
wait to spend a few hours with you engaging in something that is so vital to
our lives—relationships. Who doesn’t have a niggly relationship where we can
find ourselves frustrated and exhausted?! We will start with venting. Yes, you
get to let it all out! However, there is a method to our madness and we will
very intentionally move through a process that helps us get to the bits that
really matter to us. What is our frustration really about? Learn a few
strategies for how to deal with these relationships, but more importantly, we
will look deeper within at what we really desire and how to get those needs
met. This will be a safe and confidential space for all who attend. We honor
our own integrity by honoring each other.
Cleanse & Detox Group
Begins Thursday, Feb 20th, 7 to 8:30pm, $75 + kit

I’m so excited to be offering our first Cleanse & Detox group class. It is a total of 3 meetings, 1.5 hours in length that will provide you with everything you need to know and do, as well as guiding you through a focused time in of cleansing in a broader sense.
Seasonal cleansing is a chance for the body to take a break for the usual routine, which often includes excesses of processed foods, toxic environmental exposure and stress. Our bodies are not only built for leaner times, but thrive on it, as ancient practices have shown. Cleansing is about giving the body a rest to do some extra housecleaning. Using the Metagenics Clear Change 10-day detoxification, you will be supported with the nutrients your body needs to safely clean house, as well as having energy to go about daily life. You will eat real food in addition to targeted nutritional shakes.
Why you might want to cleanse:
- eliminate cravings
- improve energy
- feel lighter on the inside
- jump start a new eating plan
- eliminate random symptoms such as digestive disturbance, headaches, blemishes, etc
- to just take a break from it all!
This group will meet three times over three weeks. First, as an introduction to the program, going over everything you need to know to do it safely and how to prepare. Again as we start the cleanse for support and to answer further questions. Lastly, to ease back into daily life.
This program is more than just about food! We will also explore other areas of life that need “cleansing”. We’ll talk about taking this time to cleanse through practices such as decluttering, simplifying life, letting go of emotional debris and getting in touch with the things that hold meaning and purpose for you.
You must register by February 7th so that your kit can be ordered in time for you. We will have a few extra kits, but there is no guarantee after February 7th. The cost of the kit is $135, which includes all the shakes you will need for 10 days (they will replace some food that you normally eat so your grocery costs will also be reduced), plus a shaker bottle and a nutrition supplement that will protect your body while it releases stored toxins. As part of your registration, you will also need to fill out the Health Symptoms Questionnaire and the Lifestyle Questionnaire to ensure that this is the right program for you and your health goals. While this is designed to be safe, we want to ensure that it is a good fit for you at this time.
This program is for the person who would enjoy support in a group setting, which can be very inspiring and motivating while providing accountability. Additionally, many people find the connection and community to be just what they needed to get over a few humps and be successful in their goals. This is also for the person who wants to dig a little deeper and enjoys engaging with their whole self–mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually (through life meaning and purpose—no religious affiliations are promoted).